Author Archive

Safety Tips for Lake Erie Bass Boaters in serach of big smallmouths

January 21st, 2013 by Captain Jim

In 1990 when Operation Bass (now FLW) held the first of two Red Man All Americans here in Buffalo, NY, I was asked by FLW Tournament Director, Charlie Evans if there was anything the anglers needed to know about navigating this area of Laske Erie, in their search for big smallmouth bass. We spoke at length about tackle and baits but the conversation turned serious when it ca… Read More

Won’t be long before Lake Erie smallmouth season begins again.

January 17th, 2013 by Captain Jim

Lake Erie remains in a liquid state and with the months rolling by so fast, I have a feeling its not going to freeze again this year. Maybe al gore is right…naaa never mind al is nuts. Guys were out perch fishing the last few days, as I write this it’s mid January here near Buffalo New York. I am sure it takes a bit of work getting your boat out of the marinas with the water … Read More

Lake Erie Smallmouth Bass Tactics Video Part #3

January 17th, 2013 by Captain Jim

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Live bait fishing for small mouth bass on Lake Erie: Amazing success is only a dip away.

January 1st, 2013 by Captain Jim

When booking a charter with me for small mouth bass on Lake Erie, I am often asked by new customers, “what quantity of fish can we expect to catch?”. My response for the last 25 of my 35 years in this business is 35 to 50 small mouth per day. I say 25 out of 35 years due to the fact that when I started guiding, I was a die hard tournament fisherman and would have rather… Read More

Lake Erie small mouth bass tactics part #2

December 28th, 2012 by Captain Jim

Here is part 2 of my DVD “Lake Erie Small mouth Bass Tactics” It was a video I sold for many years and am now making it available to the public. Visit my web site for more information about fishing for Lake Erie small mouth bass near Buffalo NY… Read More

Lake Erie small mouth bass tactics

December 19th, 2012 by Captain Jim

Here is part #1 of my Lake Erie Smallmouth Bass Tactics Video that I sold for many years. I am now making it available to the general public. The remaining 5 parts will be posted over the next few weeks.… Read More

Cathy Clark with a 6 lb smallmouth

December 19th, 2012 by Captain Jim

A very happy Cathy Clark with a 21 inch Lake Erie smallmouth bass caught just before the season ended. It was 1 of 4 that she and her husband Frank caught that day that were over 21 inches. They also had 2 more over 20 inches on the same day. All caught within site of downtown Buffalo NY… Read More

Lake Erie Bass Tips and Tactics for Tube Lovers

December 19th, 2012 by Captain Jim

By Jim Hanley

 The first time I was introduced to a “gitzit” was in 1978 Thousand Islands tournament. Like the fish I was enticing, I was hooked by this new technique. That first day I was paired with Greg Ward, grandson of legendary TV Celebrity, Virgil Ward. He proceeded to show me what this “gitzit” was and what it could do to unsuspecting Lake Ontario smallmouth bass. I c… Read More

Lake Erie is alive and well thank you and waiting for you to join me in catching some really big bass.

December 5th, 2012 by Captain Jim

Lake Erie is alive and well thank you and waiting for you to join me in catching some really big bass.

Lake Erie once thought to be a dead sea is now alive and well and teaming with big small mouth bass, walleye, perch, steelhead and musky. I have been fishing Lake Erie for over 55 years and guiding for 35 and have seen an amazing transformation, much like Lazarus’s resurrecti… Read More